City of Arlington
We use industry-standard GIS software from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), for our data maintenance, map-making, spatial data storage and delivery of our data to the Internet.
City of Fort Worth
The City's Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program collects detailed information about infrastructure and services to provide planners and emergency responders with the most complete information possible.
City of Hurst
The Geographic Information System (GIS) staff within the Engineering Division maintain the City's maps and analyze spatial data.
City of Mansfield
The City of Mansfield has provided these GIS maps and data sets as a public information resource for its citizens.
North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is a voluntary association of, by and for local governments, established to assist local governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit, and coordinating for sound regional development.
Tarrant County Appraisal District (TAD)
Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) is responsible for local property tax appraisal and exemption administration for seventy-three jurisdictions or taxing units in the county.
Railroad Commission of Texas GIS Viewer
This geographic information system combines detailed information and location coordinates for oil wells, gas wells, and pipelines from the Commission's files with base map data captured from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle maps. These interactive maps were developed using Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) ArcIMS software, and interface with the Commission's Production Data Query and Drilling Permit Query applications.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality strives to protect our state's public health and natural resources consistent with sustainable economic development. Our goal is clean air, clean water, and the safe management of waste.
Texas Dept. of Transportation (TXDoT) ROW Viewer
The TxDOT Right of Way Maps application is designed to serve images for all of the "Finalized" ROW maps for TxDOT. It will display images for roadways broken into 17 inch sections for roll maps and whole pages for flat maps. The images are from the earliest maps which acquired the original parcels to the latest maps which acquired the parcels for widening projects.
Texas Education Agency (TEA)
The Texas School District Locator (SDL) provides basic information for Texas schools, districts, and education service centers (ESCs) in map format. It also provides school district information, district accountability ratings, and enrollment and performance reports in text format.
Texas General Land Office GIS Data
Historically, Texans have turned to the Texas General Land Office for maps and other tools used to organize information about the natural resources this state has to offer. Besides historical maps, research, and data, the land office today uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), and computer-aided design (CAD) systems to compile, analyze, and distribute the most accurate information possible about the location of natural and human-made resources. These tools support the business functions of the General Land Office and serve as critical tools in the study and protection of our state's valued resources.
Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS)
TNRIS archives, maintains, and distributes the largest collection of current and historical spatial geographic data sets for the State of Texas. Our collection of maps, photos, documents and other spatial datasets have been acquired over time from multiple sources including state, federal, and local agencies with support and donations from private sources.
Texas Parks & Wildlife
GIS Maps and Spatial Data on Boundaries, Ecological Mapping Systems of Texas, Elevation, Geology, Hydro, Natural Regions and State Parks Trails.
Texas State Data Center
The Texas State Data Center and Office of the State Demographer, in cooperation with a network of affiliates, functions as a focal point for the distribution of Census information for Texas.
Texas Water Development Board
TWDB provides water planning, data collection and dissemination, financial assistance and technical assistance services to the citizens of Texas. GIS data provided includes natural features and administrative boundaries.
Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This website gives you the tools to create, view, query and print customized maps showing FCC licensing data, regulated towers and market area boundaries. These maps can be extremely helpful in conducting analysis on current service and need/feasibility studies for new services. The download files are provided in shapefile format which is compatible with ArcExplorer® produced by ESRI, Inc.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Our current concept of operations includes a full range of GIS services to all FEMA program offices that encompasses sophisticated geospatial analytics through the Mapping and Analysis Center (MAC) and deployable GIS technology through the Deployable Emergency GIS program (DEGS). In the near future, we will be offering online discovery capabilities for finding FEMA GIS data that includes presidential disaster declaration areas, imagery derived products for declared disasters, and other publically available programmatic and event data.
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
The FGDC coordinates the sharing of geographic data, maps, and online services through an online portal,, that searches metadata held within the NSDI Clearinghouse Network. Geographic data, imagery, applications, documents, web sites and other resources have been catalogued for discovery in this portal. Registered map services allow users to build and share maps using data from many sources. Registered data access and download services also exist for use by those interested in downloading and analyzing the data using GIS or viewer software.
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)
Many of the National Weather Service data sets are available in formats that are able to be imported directly into Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Data formats include downloadable shapefiles, web services and even KML files.
National Park Service (NPS)
The goal of each national Park is to have a comprehensive automated information system that will integrate spatial (geographic) and tabular data from a variety of sources to enable modeling of real and theoretical situations for management of all park resources.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The Geospatial Data Gateway (GDG) is the One Stop Source for environmental and natural resources data, at anytime, from anywhere, to anyone. The Gateway allows you to choose your area of interest, browse and select data from our catalog, customize the format, and have it downloaded or shipped on CD or DVD.
United States Fish & Wildlife Service
This site was created to enable the USFWS to be effective in managing geospatial data resources and technology to successfully deliver geospatial services in support of the Service’s mission.
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Maps and GIS Data
Downloadable spatial data files for exploration and analysis. Groundwater, surface water and water quality and watershed are some of the data files provided.
US Census Bureau
Find geographic data and products such as the TIGER/Line Shapefiles, KMLs, TIGERweb, cartographic boundary files, geographic relationship files, and reference and thematic maps.
Global Change Master Directory
The GCMD holds more than 31,000 Earth science data set and service descriptions, which cover subject areas within the Earth and environmental sciences. The project mission is to assist researchers, policy makers, and the public in the discovery of and access to data, related services, and ancillary information (which includes descriptions of instruments and platforms) relevant to global change and Earth science research. Within this mission, the directory also offers online authoring tools to providers of data and services, facilitating the capability to make their products available to the Earth science community. In addition, citation information to properly credit data set contributions is offered, along with direct links to data and services. As an integral part of the project, keyword vocabularies have been developed and are constantly being refined and expanded. These vocabularies are also used in other applications within the broader scientific community. Users may perform searches through the Directory’s website using controlled keywords, free-text searches, map/date searches or any combination of these. Users may also search or refine a search by data center, location, instrument, platform, project, or temporal/spatial resolution.
Open Street Map
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
UN Food and Agriculture Organization GeoNetwork
Find interactive maps, GIS datasets, satellite imagery and related applications. GeoNetwork opensource allows to easily share geographically referenced thematic information between different organizations.